Vision, Mission and Values



Transforming Lives Through Training and Education


We provide accelerated training and education that leads to in-demand, good-paying career pathways.

  1. Visionary Leadership– Senior leaders inspire, motivate, and encourage the entire InTech workforce to contribute, develop, learn, be innovative, and to embrace change. Senior leaders serve as role models through their ethical behavior and their personal involvement in planning, communicating, coaching the workforce, developing future leaders, reviewing the performance of InTech, and recognizing members of their workforce. As role models, they can reinforce ethics, values, and expectations while building leadership, commitment, and initiative throughout InTech.
  2. Customer-Focused Service– Ultimately, performance and quality are judged by an organization’s customers, not by the company. A focus on the customer excellence improves customer acquisition, satisfaction, loyalty, referrals, and business sustainability. The customer centric InTech staff understand current customer desires and remain agile enough to meet future desires and marketplace potential.
  3. Systems Management Using Data– InTech’s success depends on measurement and analysis of performance. Such measurements derive from business needs and strategy. They provide critical data and information about key processes, outputs, and results. Many types of data and information are needed for performance management. These include customers, services, operations, markets, suppliers, workforce, cost, competitors, and financial performance.
  4. Creating Results, Value, & Strong Partnerships– Valuing the people in your workforce means committing to their engagement, satisfaction, development, and well-being. InTech’s success depends increasingly on an engaged workforce that benefits from meaningful work, clear organizational direction, and performance accountability. InTech also has a safe, trusting, and cooperative environment. Additionally, the successful InTech capitalizes on the diverse backgrounds, knowledge, skills, creativity, and motivation of its workforce partners. By creating value for key stakeholders, InTech builds loyalty, contributes to growing the economy, and contributes to society.
  5. Innovation, & Agility– InTech will continue to innovate and build on accumulated individual and collective knowledge. Agility and innovation will be integrated into daily work so that it becomes part of the culture. Systematic processes for innovation reach throughout InTech to improve services, programs, processes, operations, and our business model to create new value for stakeholders. InTech’s planning must anticipate customer expectations, new business and partnering opportunities, evolving regulatory requirements, and strategic moves by competitors to remain agile.
  6. Social Responsibility– InTech leaders stress responsibility to the public, ethical behaviors, the need to be fiscally prudent with funding, and the need to practice good citizenship. Leaders are role models for the organization in focusing on ethics and the protection of public health, safety, and the environment. This includes operations as well as the life cycles of products and services. InTech must emphasize resource conservation and waste reduction at the source.
  7. Focus on the Future– Focusing on the future includes developing leaders, the workforce, and a cross-trained team, with an effective succession plan.