Mechatronics Technician


To meet the needs of employers in the Inland Empire who are struggling to find skilled industrial workers, the InTech Center’s competency-based apprenticeships provides a pathway to develop well-trained, qualified technicians. All of our industrial apprenticeship programs combine curriculum and on-the-job training that prepare trainees for today’s workplace.

Our newest apprenticeship program trains employees working in manufacturing and logistics to become Mechatronics Technicians, giving them the skills to effectively troubleshoot, maintain, and repair mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, digital, programmable logic controllers (PLC), and motion controls systems.

Learning Objectives for the Program

Upon successful completion of this apprenticeship, graduates will be able to:

  • Identify control system component types
  • Measure I/O signals at a digital I/O interface module
  • Design a PLC program that provide manual/
    auto/reset functions
  • Describe a sequence of operation
An Accelerated Pathway to Journey-level Status

By participating in this accelerated training model, apprentices can achieve journey-level status in four years or less, with a typically completion time being two and a half years. Apprentices are required to attend a minimum of 144 classroom hours per year and master competencies on the job in their selected occupation.

DAS Approved Apprenticeships

The Mechatronics Technician Apprenticeship Program, along with our Industrial Maintenance Electrician and Industrial Mechanic programs are approved by the California Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) and by the Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship. Since 2018, over 30 employers in the region have signed on to participate in our programs, with 90 apprentices registered.

Mechatronics students

“Employers in our region are struggling to find talent to maintain, troubleshoot and repair automation equipment at their facilities. The Mechatronics Technician apprenticeship pathway provides a solid foundation to address these talent shortages without sacrificing quality or productivity.”

Steve Tyrrell
Maintenance Manager of Mitsubishi Cement Corporation and Chairperson of the Inland/Desert Employers Apprenticeship (IDEA) Committee